Kjell Gustafsson
How can one describe a persons character, charisma, presence, deep understanding from a text. The following text gives an idea about some stuff Kjell has done in his life. But he would say he is, like you, more than his storyline.
Contact him and
get a first hand experience
From Kjells current understanding
It is just one thing going on
Conflicts are due to misunderstanding
Suffering comes from not knowing who you are
The thinking mind are limited by thoughts
This short film may say more about Kjell than all the words on this site. Warning it may be contagious!
Professional background

2021 Kjell started "Beyond me and you" to help people and organisations to live beyond inner and outer conflicts.
2010 Kjell was asked to help at a center with kids with drug problems. He found that very rewarding and did that for 10 years together with his consulting business.
2008-2009 Two years for Malmö University teaching entrepreneurship and starting an organisation to help staff to start business based on their research.
2005 Started Open Awareness, a consulting business focused on Business Development, Motivational Talks, Change Management, Team Building
1994 - 2004 Worked for IBM as Logistic Consultant, Dealer Account Manager and Project Manager for 10 years.
1998 Started his first company Optimal Products together with a Håkan Mann (a windsurfing pro) . They developed a new technically advanced windsurfing fin and took it from the idea to the market. From research, prototyping, production, financing, marketing to sales.
Academic background

Negotiation, Mediation, Conflict Res. - Capstone Project
Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Resolution
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Negotiation Fundamentals
Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution
Customer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing
Conflict resolution Skill
Types of Conflicts
​Understanding Violence
Know Thyself
Appreciative Inquiry (Change Management)
Intercultural Communication
Working Psychology
Computer Science
Civil Engineer, Industrial Engineering and Management
ESSEC Business School
ESSEC Business School
ESSEC Business School
ESSEC Business School
ESSEC Business School
Copenhagen Business School
Irvin University of California
Irvin University of California
Emory University
University of Virginia
Malmö Högskola
Malmö Högskola
Lunds University
Chalmers University
Non-academic background

Esoteric Philosophy
Esoteric Psychology
Esoteric Sociology The Esoteric School Copenhagen. Part time during 2 years
Psychosynthesis. HumaNova. Part time during 1 years
Zen Coaching Training. Part time during 2008 - 2009
Landmark Forum
Landmark Advanced Forum
Landmark Forum in Action
Landmark. Part time during 1 years
Art of Living. 15 courses and retreats of Yoga, Meditation and self knowledge
Spread out over 15 years
Kriya Yoga several retreats, Kriya Yoga International
Vipassana 10 day retreats. 4 times Goenka Dhamma Sobhana
Vipassana 9 days retreats. 2 times with John Travis
Spread out over 15 years
Enlightenment Intensive. 11 two week retreats and many shorter
Different teachers spread out over 20 years
Ineffable Stream with Susannah Grover 2018
Gathering with Michael Schmitz 2021
Satori 2 week 2017. Ganga and Avikal
Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. 2004 with Saji
1 month intense training, Vast Center
Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. 2005 with Saji
1 month intense training, Vast Center
Hatha Yoga Therapy Training. 2006 with Saj
1 month intense training, Vast Center
Tantra part 1 with Johan Ekenberg 2016
Several Clearing Intensives with Art Mars 2017 - 2018
Rosen Method. 5 six days intensives and som weekends
Different teachers. Spread out 2015 -2019
Dale Carnegie Professional Development 1994
Dale Carnegie Communication and Leadership Training 3 times
(twice as an assistant) 1996 - 1997
Awakening Session with Fred Davis 2017
Dearmoring 2 week with Åsa Kullberg 2019
Belly to Belly with David Cates 2017
Ten day Dearmoring Training with Sanna Sanita, De´an Matuka
and Susanne Roursgaard 2017
Ten day Dearmoring Training Assistant 2021
Clairvoyance training 20 month
part time Healerskolen
ICF Coach utbildning del 1 och 2, Coach Company Europa
Meet Yourself Mullingstorp year 2000 and 2016
The Journey
Mime theatre
Improvisations theatre
Chi Gong
Thai Chi
The Melchizedek Method
Accelerated Learning
Human Dynamics
Introduction to TRE
Silva Method
Bars, Psychic Reading
Rebirthing breathing
Warm Water Breathing...